The Writer in Black

The Writer in Black

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Decisions, decisions

Readers might recall the short "God of Thunder" I finished a while back. I got the responses from beta readers, decided that those who haven't responded, aren't going to, made final edits, and am now putting it out into that cold, cold marketplace. I still have a decision to make yet, though. seems to be just about the best paying market for short SF&F out there but it's got a really long response time. If I send "God of Thunder" to them it can be a year or more before I hear back (most likely, in all reality, with a rejection). Other markets respond a lot more quickly and the likelihood isn't too bad (given my recent track record) that one of them will buy it.

So the question is whether it's worth trying and waiting a year or more for a reply and before I can try someone else, or if I'd be better off sending it to shorter turnaround markets where I'm reasonably likely to sell it, get some money, and another credit on my list (building name recognition and "cred") before would even respond.

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